Katrine enjoying a vegetarian pizza slice, mmmm! |
Another part of the store Flying A (located at Kronprinsessegade 5). This is a little further down the road, and both places are warmly recomended. |
A hat from H&M that I wondered if looked good. Personally I think it did, so I bought it! |
A half full (or half empty, depending on the mood I guess) cafe latte. |
Copenhagen fashion festival! |
Mr Oliver looking rather serious. |
Coca Cola bottles designed by the marvelous Karl (you know the rest).. I got them for free at one of the many fashion events! |
Hej søde Clara :) Jeg har sendt dig en blog-Award, håber du vil være med på den. Du kan se dem på min blog, http://frejaesblog.blogspot.com/
SvarSletKnus fra Freja, just a blog